My argument on this subject hasn't changed: What about my children? The far right have often pulled out the chestnut, "what about the children" to any topic they can apply it to. And, the group who placed Prop 8 on the ballot in the first place, say they are about marriage and family. "California's constitutional marriage amendment exists to strengthen society, encourage monogamous and loving marriages and to provide the optimal environment to ensure the well being of children." Well, the well being of my children, and of children from other gay families, are best served if their two

daddies/mommies have the choice to legally marry and then remain so without fear of having their union overturned at a later date. So, isn't it prejudice to exclude these children because their parents are of the same gender?
And please let's not shy away from the phrase "gay agenda" as if it's a bad thing. Because folks, I am clear. There is a gay agenda. It's called equal rights.
The pictures of today's entry were taken by Adam Bouska. He and his partner Jeff Parshley have created this silent protest in response to the passage of Prop 8. All his subjects wear white tees and NOH8 tattoos with duct tape covering their mouths. It's a powerful image. Many celebrities have supported the NOH8 campaign and last week our family went in to have our pictures taken. We are very proud to be part of this historic protest, and I'm personally thrilled of the outcome. Be sure to go to the NOH8 website to see more of Adam's compelling work.
And in keeping with the political theme... We are voting for the State Assemblyman of the 43rd district tomorrow. In all my years living here I do not recall being inundated with so many political fliers and phone calls. Both Democratic nominees, Mike Gatto and Nayiri Nahabedian are doing all they can to get us to the polls.

In my last blog entry, I relayed an actual conversation as told to me by my husband. A volunteer from Gatto's camp tried to secure his vote. And being the gay Nazi that he is (Michael wouldn't even buy Coors Lite for my cousin last week because of their stance against homosexuals) he asked the volunteer what Mr. Gatto's position was on gay marriage. The poor guy was a bit confused and didn't have the facts at hand, which made my previous entry funny, or at least to me.
However, Mike Gatto didn't think so. Last week, he got wind of my blog and actually called our house!! He apologized for the volunteer's lack of knowledge and said he's been advocating for gay marriage "for years, maybe decades." He then added my blog was the only one that came to mind that was negative and he was "hurt" that my entry put his campaign in a "bad light." And in all sincerity, Mike, I am truly sorry. I was going for humor, not judgement.

The other thing I personally found significant about this election is that Gatto has taken the high road in response to the opposition's smear tactics. And there is nothing that turns me off more than a politician who doesn't stick to her own stance on the issues. Don't you remember what happened to Hillary, Ms. Nahabedian? Shame on you.
I know who I'll be voting for tomorrow.
In a bizarre follow up... Nayiri Nahabedian also personally called us!! This happened yesterday. We weren't home and both Gatto's and Nahabedian's messages are now side by side on our answering machine. Not since junior high politics have I felt so popular. "Vote for me and I'll be your best friend." Is this a new trend? Should I expect our gubernatorial nominees to start calling come November? If so, Jerry Brown, use your sultry voice.
Go, Baby. I LOVE that you got their attention. So. Proud.
Beautiful shots of you and the family.
p.s. My Mom doesn't care for the name of your Blog. I thought that you would get a kick out of that. m.