Hot Button Issues Can Be Sooooo Confusing
Mike Gatto is running in April's election for the State Assembly in California. Well, yesterday, one of his peeps called our house and my husband answered...
CALLER: Would you consider voting for Mike Gatto?
HUSBAND: Before I can answer that, I need to know where he stands on gay marriage.
CALLER: (Pause.) Well, um, I'm pretty sure he's for it.
HUSBAND: (Not totally convinced.) Where can I see that in writing?
CALLER: (Searching frenetically.) Well... I'm sure it's here somewhere. Oh, yeah, here it is. Yes, he definitely is in favor of gay marriage. (Beat. Beat.) No, wait, that's abortion.
Well, I can just about write that I'm speechless, but other than that I've got nothing.
This man's stupidity is stunningly awesome.