San Francisco Girlfriends

I'm in San Francisco for my father's birthday and my sister shared with me the following story about my seven-year-old niece, Gracie.

Gracie and her good friend were enjoying a vigorous afternoon of make believe. The friend had a fairy princess doll while Gracie had a schoolgirl doll, and Gracie suggested, "Let's pretend we're walking down the street and we bump into each other. And then, let's pretend we fall in love and want to get married, but we can't because the government says it's against the law."


Anonymous said…
From the mouth of babes. Kids are very perceptive to today's problems.
SurprisedMom said…
Whoever underestimates children is an idiot. This clearly shows they know what's going on in the world.
The Good Cook said…
Oh.. that's sad. Rather they should pretend that the government (and others) are finally enlightened enough that they can fall in love with each other and get married... not like in the "old" days.
James Sie said…
Hopefully, there won't be any more of that pretending in the near future...
That's awesome and sad at the same time.

I look forward to the day when that make-believe conversation is no longer so poignant.
Anonymous said…
Out of the mouths of babes. Children are merely small. They are not stupid.
Just found your blog. Love it! The title is great! Looking forward to following you. :-)

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