Christmas Demons

A happy and safe, and perhaps naughty, holiday season to you and yours.

Now, you little demons, back, back I say. Back to the filthy stinking lair from which you came! And I don't want to see you out of your beds until the sun is in the sky!!!


Very nice sweet demons !!!Congratulations for your family and Happy New year !!
Vodka Mom said…
hope your day was very very merry!!!
Malisa said…
Lots of luck with that! Hope you and your crew had a very Merry Christmas!
Juliana said…
HA HA HA HA I am new to your blog, please pop on by and check out my blog and follow if you would like. It is very nice to "meet" you!
Me-Me King said…
Hey there! Hope all is well with you and yours. Wishing you all the best in 2010!!!
Your doing a great job
Happy new year and take care
I've left a little present for you on my blog because you have such a catchy title.

And I have a penis too.

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