Tom Cruise is a Raging...Scientologist: Addendum

After I wrote the previous post, Tom Cruise is a Raging...Scientologist, a friend of mine found this very pertinent footage and I had to share.

For all of you Top Gun fans out there, don't blame me for this clip. Quentin Tarantino started it.


SurprisedMom said…
Hmmm. Quentin Tarantino has a unique perspective, doesn't he? I never quite looked at Top Gun from this angle before. And here I was thinking the guys in Top Gun were walking around mostly nude, playing volleyball, flexing their muscles for their female viewers/fans. Shows you what I know. LOL.
I've seen this before but loved seeing it again. And it's totally true, too.
CSY said…
You know, watching Top Gun as a child, I never really thought TC was that cute, I was digging Val Kilmer...but I kind of figured TC was gay...those tightie whites give him away every time! LOVE your blog!
Monkey Mae said…
That video is hysterical. I LOVE your very funny.
Unknown said…
Now, I AM TOTALLY CONFUSED.Thank you for sharing the video.Sure started me thinking....
Oh...this is choice. How did I never see it this way???

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