Happy Birthday Mommy

One hundred sounds really old, doesn't it? Come to think, I don't think I've ever met anyone who was one hundred. But this isn't about anyone, and we're certainly not celebrating anything that has achieved one hundred status. I've not made a replica of the Hollywood sign with one hundred sugar cubes, for example, or swallowed one hundred fireflies. This isn't even my hundredth blog entry, it's my seventy-eighth for those of you who are counting. But this is a monumental anniversary, nonetheless. It's Mommy's birthday. And by Mommy, I don't mean Sally, my biological mommy, her birthday is Income Tax Day. No, today Mommy With a Penis is a spry one year old.
Birthdays are usually a time for self reflection, for looking back at the previous year and weighing achievements vs. missteps. It's a good time to create lists for the upcoming year, to meditate on future blog entries. For instance, do I reexplore the train wreck that is Carrie Prejean, or do I stick with anecdotal tales about my family? Do I continue to question the sexual orientation of a certain Maverick, or post more pictures of my son wearing tutus and sparkly shoes, which surely will require years of future therapy? So much to consider. It really is a great time for self evaluation, assessment, trajectory, conclusion.
But, fuck it, I'm not going to do any of that. Don't get me wrong, more than anything I'd like to be significant. I'd like to say something earth shattering about blogging that would make each and every one of you nod your head and gasp. But I got nothing. So, instead, I'm going to thank all of you for being fabulous and sticking with me. It's been a wonderful ride thus far. An E ticket ride to say the least. And it wouldn't have been as fun without all of you. (Well, let's be honest, which one of us really wants to write in a vacuum?)
I'll let you in on a little secret. Mommy With a Penis is going through a change. No, not the change...a change. It's time for a sprucing up. A spring cleaning. A full blown rhinoplasty. That's right, MWAP will soon be under construction. Up till now, I've been content with my stock Blogger template, but it's time to express myself artistically and create a new look. My look. Something bolder. Something more eye catching. Something...penisy. (If you have suggestions, please be sure to leave them.)
Besides the facelift, what does Mommy With a Penis plan to do to celebrate? I'm going to bake myself a cake...

Something cream filled, I think!
FYI - that 100 year old woman looks suspiciously like my mother-in-law . . . yikes!
Happy Anniversary! Looking forward to your makeover. Will you have a dramatic unveiling that makes us cry?
And the pic is fantastic. Now, how about a slice of that cake?
Hi, I'm over from C's blog, and I gotta say I'm hooked already. My husband and I also got married in that four month window, and we have an adopted son and two daughters from a previous marriage.
Now...I must go and read some more about Mommy With a Penis...