It Really Sucks When...

...someone else wears your super hero.


The Bug said…
Oh lord the pouty faces are too cute!!
Anonymous said…
NO one is happy when that happens...
Unknown said…
Oh gosh..even the picture above the fireplace looks sad...was there a spiderman "walk off" at least?

Peace - Rene
Maureen@IslandRoar said…
I'm not sure why they're so sad, but they sure are little cuties!
Vodka Mom said…
that is the MOST adorable pic ever.

Pouting already? They are gifted.
Joanie said…
Your daughter is a PRO!!!! Brace yourself, pal! It's gonna be a bumpy puberty!
Malisa said…
Well,how cute are all those pouty, little lips? I am cracking up over the picture over your fireplace!

SurprisedMom said…
Even with pouty faces they are too cute for words!
Who knew Spiderman was so popular?
Rita Templeton said…
The look on those faces is priceless. Do they bust that one out on other occasions too? :)
Sue said…
OMG...even before I read any of the words you wrote, I started laughing my ass off! You have amazing babies and those pictures are totally precious! Thanks for sharing!!
I love it! She is working the pout like no other!
Woman with Kids said…
Oh, that's awful! I hate when someone else is wearing the same superhero outfit. Perhaps she can be Spiderwoman?
Ugh. I HATE when that happens!
Your kids are gorgeous!!
The Good Cook said…
Oh man, your son is sooo being schooled. That daughter of yours has it DOWN.. you are all in so much trouble.
Meeko Fabulous said…
Poor babies! There are times I'm SO happy that my parents had us all 8.5 years apart!
CSY said…
AWWWW!!! Yeah, she's got the pout down pat! He on the other hand, is giving her a run for her money! ADORABLE!!!
Anonymous said…
haha! Too much!
Gloria said…
A gem of a picture . . and then WITH the picture over the mantlepiece . . . PRICELESS!!!! You're in trouble man . . Big Time!!! LOL
You guys deserve an honesty award for your blog.
Awww, but isn't wearing someone else's superhero the sincerest form of flattery?
Jeanne Estridge said…
What adorable kids!

(I have a pair of grandkids with two mommies (or do I mean "that have daddies with vaginas?). In any event -- best of luck to you -- looks like you're doing a fabulous job so far!
Jason said…
This is a great parenting site. When I get married, I'm going to make sure my wife goes to websites like this one. I have a site myself where anyone can freely express their opinions on controversial debate topics. Check it out when you get the chance and feel free to express your thoughts on any topic. We have some parenting ones in there.

Also, maybe we can exchange links. Let me know if this is possible.

Chris said…
Great picture! Reminds me of the episode of Big Bang Theory when all four guys showed up dressed as the Flash.
Keely said…
I hate that. Especially in the workplace.

(super cute picture)
Miranda said…
LOL @ Chris I saw that one. Omg they are soooo cute!
This Mama said…
Hi there!!
I just wanted to introduce myself because I have been on your blog a fair bit over the past couple of days catching up on your old posts and it is always nice to know who is reading.
Love your blog! Please never stop!
ps Now is she copying his pout as well as his costume choice? hehe - so cute.
C said…
aaaawwwwwww poor lil dumplings... so cute!

savante said…
Cute! But why both spideys! Doesn't anyone wanna be Wolvie?
Alexis Voltaire said…
I nominated you for the award 'Kreativ Blogger' on my blog! :)
Mormon Bachelor Pad said…
Rgis happens to me and Batman at least once a week.
PJ said…
Last time that happened, I had to cut someone... ;-) Very cute kids!!!

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