
I was in the kitchen trying out a new recipe, something I was beginning to suspect my family wouldn't eat, when my six year old son came in wearing a princess dress and sparkly shoes. For those of you following my blog, you know this is not unique behavior. With a pensive look he inquired, "Papa, when am I going to turn into a girl?"
Having mastered the art of following a question with a question when I have no idea what the fuck else to say, I ricochet asked, "Is that what you think is going to happen?"
"Oh, yes." he pronounced with a certainty I wish I had when facing law enforcement or my mother.
I felt I needed more information before I tackled this one, so I dug deeper, "Sort of like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly?"
That did it. I could see from his reaction I became the out of touch, know nothing, what good are you, Papa. He let out a sigh and exclaimed as if I were mentally incompetent, "Of course. That's called metamorphosis."
I love the way you are handling the issue. Not just the questions you ask him, but your overall understanding and love. Children do say the darndest things, don't they?
Boy, are you in for it!
Seriously, very cute story.
That's the beauty part of kids, they'll make their parents smarter or nuts or both.
Hug him and Maxie for me, I sure would love to see them soon!
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Funny how in the following story you question your parenting are a natural.