Clearing His Argentina

For this Fatherhood Friday I choose to swing a little political. I'd like to bring up the unfortunate events surrounding Governor Mark Sanford. I have a different view than what's been expressed. It occurs to me that we should be staying out of his personal affairs. Since I defended Bubba Clinton in this manner, I felt it would be contradictory if I jumped on the bandwagon against Gov. Sanford simply because I don't share his political views. As long as he's responsible at his job...

What's that? He disappeared for five days misleading his handlers as to his whereabouts. He said he was meandering up and down the Appalachian Trail when in really he jetted down to South America? Well, you're right, that doesn't seem very responsible. I would imagine if some gubernatorial emergency were to arise it would be necessary to have the Chief Executive Officer of South Carolina on speed dial, even if he did need some personal days to "clear his head."

But can't we be forgiving? If we were French, we'd all applaud the affair and pop open a bottle of Dom Perignon. Truly, this is none of our business. Perhaps Governor Sanford and his wife aren't the stuffed shirts we think they are. They very well might let their hair down every once and a while, partake of the herb, and baum-chicka-baum-baum. No one said he was some sort of moral barometer who defines marriage by stringent standards...

Wait. Say that again. He insists marriage should only be between a man and a woman? In fact he's patently against gay marriage or any gay union for that matter because of that old 'sanctity of marriage' chestnut? Well, it seems to me he may want to broaden his definition of marriage to include a man and a woman and his international chew toy.

Even still, I'm sure he's a responsible father, like so many of us. I've seen a picture of his four sons and they seem to idolize him. I am sure he was greeted by some wonderful surprises this last Father's Day...

Say what? On Father's Day he was in Buenos Aires with his mistress? And where was he for his kid's piano recital? A fucking Chinese opium den!

Okay, Governor, I've tried to be cordial. I have even given you some nifty excuses, but no more. The chinchilla lined lambskin gloves come off...

Let's start with a civil rights lesson. Gays and lesbians want the right to legally marry. It has nothing to to with the sanctity of marriage, which really you should never be allowed to bring into your argument. Sanctity comes from the Latin sanctus which means holy. Don't look now but Church and State seem to be intermingling, doggone it!

I'd be wary, Governor. It seems that those in the political arena who speak loudest against homosexual issues end up with a gay relative. (Dick's daughter. Newt's sister.) Now, you have four sons. The chance of one of them becoming a fabulous queen is...well, let's face it, it's tremendous. If you're like most parents who want your kids to be happy, you should really rethink your gay marriage stance just in case. And while you're at it, I'm sure you want grandchildren, so how bout supporting gay adoption as well.

Gays will destroy the sanctity of marriage? I don't think we can take that honor.

Be sure to take the time and enjoy the other great post at Dad Blogs!

Dad Blogs


trash said…
You would think by now that politicians would have learned that whole thing about 'casting the first stone' and all. (shaking my head at human stupidity)
BellaDaddy said…
I could never say it really, never....!

Yankee Girl said…
I try so hard not to judge, but I am amazed at how many people are so incredibly small-minded and blind.

And the whole gays destroying the sanctity of marriage thing is BS. I'm not a violent person but I want to hit everyone who says this on the head with something very hard.
Well Said!

This is the one thing that absolutely drives me crazy...Every time we turn our heads there's another political sex scandal...And these are the people who decide who should marry...I got an idea, let everyone enjoy the rights and benefits of marriage except for power hungry politicians...

I'm not gay, but that has nothing to do with marriage anyway...It's about love and commitment. Who cares who if you love and are committed to someone of the same sex...I wish politicians would wake up and finally see that allowing ALL people no matter their sexual preferences to show their love for each other won't corrupt the world...
Amy said…
What's left to say except...right on!!!
PJ Mullen said…
I can't stand these moralistic jackholes. I have some friends who would like to get married and can't and I think it is horrible. I love watching the hypocrisy when those that seek to defend, incorrectly as you so eloquently put, the 'sanctity' of marriage are themselves the ones that disregard and tarnish the institution that they in their feeble minds think they are protecting.
SurprisedMom said…
Why is it that the cheaters of the world turn out to be the bigots of the world? "SancWtity of marriage, indeed. What a jack*** this idiot is. I want everyone who wants to be married to have that chance. After all, what's a better ending and beginning of a love story?
ciara said…
great post! that whole comment about gays destroying sanctity of marriage is beyond ignorant.
Malisa said…
Bravo! Bravo!

Vodka Mom said…
very well said.

as usual.

(Can you hear me clapping? I am ALL for forgiveness- but a serious discussion with him is TOTALLY appropriate. )
Vodka Mom said…
small minds = small, um, well you know.
Out-Numbered said…
Dick's Daughter? Uh huh, huh, huh, huh, uh, huh, huh, huh...
Anonymous said…
Your last sentence it really the kicker. No truth better spoken.

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