Vacation Heaven

The kids get tired so easily. I couldn't wake them up from this nap. I tickled them. Jumped on the bed. Buzzed their bellies. And they'd just roll over and go back to sleep. Perhaps I shouldn't let them eat the olives from my martini.


ciara said…
uh huh, don't gave them benadryl, didn't you? lol jk

very cute pic :) i love the one on the sidebar, too.
Me-Me King said…
Awwww, sweetly sleeping.....shhhh.
Vodka Mom said…
I THOUGHT i heard the word "martini."

they are to DIE for.......
Lipstick Jungle said…
Olives from your martini - nice try - you spiked their juice WITH martini didn't you???


Adorable picture - another "serene" shot I dare say!
Out-Numbered said…
Dude. That's awesome. Let sleeping kids lie...
i am the diva said…
such an adorable photo.
i have a crush on your blog...

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