Über Mom

Safe, right? I couldn't imagine anyone criticizing my parenting skills by that statement. But one mommy looked at me with a cocked head and let out a high pitched, "Oh." You know the kind of "oh" that immediately demands your attention, like a dog whistle to a Bichon Frisé. I didn't know what was to follow, but I silently cursed because my deflector shields were down leaving my undersides vulnerable.
Mommy continued, "You let your daughter take bubble baths?" Spoken in the same tone my mother used to ambush my father: You’re not really going to wear that tie, are you? The seemingly innocuous question packed with overtones. The conversation became as dangerous to navigate as class five rapids.
I answered mommy’s query as if I was caught at the border, with an illegal alien in the trunk, "Well... Yes. But not all the time. Maybe...once a month. No. Not even that often. Every two months?" The last two words went up in inflection. A decided question mark where a question mark didn’t belong.
Mommy then finished the job off with another "oh". Downward inflection this time. Precise. Clean kill. Silence. Even the birds stopped chirping.
I couldn’t take it. I had to ask, "Is there something wrong with bubble baths?" It sounded ludicrous coming out of my mouth. At least the question mark was needed this time. Bubble Mommy then informed me in a no-big-deal manner (letting me know it was a really big deal) that there is a pitfall to girls taking bubble baths. The soap can irritate their female parts. News to me.
The above can be typical über mommy behavior. The know-it-all mommy who quotes facts and statistics, offers well balanced recipes and has a squirt jar of sanitizer at the ready. They are the mommies I call when I'm in a pickle. Because, trust me, I have no über mommy qualities.
I am not savvy mommy. I do not read mommy books or articles. I couldn't tell you how much my kids weigh nor what size they wear. And my thermometers never work. I do not have the answers.
I am not cuddle bunny mommy. I do not want to be with my kids twenty-four/seven. I approve of preschool for two year olds. Although not those granola co-op preschools, where you have to clean, paint and fund raise for eight hours a month on top of paying their exorbitant $850 fee. If I'm forking over that much, you better keep my kid all day, teach him a second language, service my car and recap my teeth.
I am not holistic nor organic mommy. These ladies know how to combat any health issue. They say things like, "Honey, you need to take your flax seed oil." I don't even know what flax seed oil is. I don't grow my own vegetables nor compost. And frankly, the later sounds disgusting.
I am not cleanliness-is-next-to-godliness mommy. For some reason, that gay gene is not a part of either Michael or I. We are guys and we are messy. Don't get me wrong, we don't live in filth. But I am not one to vacuum in my pearls. For me, cleaning up is a learned behavior. As I'm tidying, my mind still shouts, why put breakfast dishes away if you're just going to get them out again for lunch!

So, what the hell kind of mommy am I? Valid question. My kids are groomed. They have good manners and great senses of humor. They laugh and play reasonably well together and sing show tunes and maybe most importantly, they shake a pretty mean cosmo. They might say fart instead of pass gas, I'm sure even June Cleaver herself would overlook that, as long as the Beav could pour a good cocktail.
Besides, when was the last time you saw an uber moms kid act like an angel when she wasn't around. I guarantee those kids will need therapy more than ours.
Ok, well maybe not more than mine... They DO live with me...
Oh and bubble baths??? If she ain't complainin' then it ain't broke (or irritated!)
I don't mind if someone wants to share some information with me...it's when they present it in a "know-it-all" way or say it condescendingly that I have an issue. (I could go on for pages about this, but I won't).
Happy FF!
Thankfully by the time we had our child, Mom had mellowed significantly.
A little uber-anal still, but much more palatable.
This is my first visit. The blog title got my attention;thank God for that, because your writing knocked my socks off. I am a new blogger has had a 15 year writing dry spell. I picked up again to be able to vent and express my creativity, but have become a blog addict at first post.
I feel a little intimidated because my vocab is small, my grammar is weak and my spelling is horrible, but reading this post has brought me so much inspiration.
So hopefully you can trust my sincerity when I say that reading your blogs makes me want to be a better writer.
No ones as perfect as they want you to think. Also, my kids totally take bubble baths, I've noticed no issues. Bet they have organic ;-)
Buuuutttt, I'm one of those coop mommies. I like going to preschool with my kids. Well, maybe not 'like.' Feel good about?
Oh, and yeah, I have no doubt you're an awesome mommy. If buuble baths don't hurt her and she likes them by all means, bubble away.
I'll drink to the rest of that.
Then I wrote a post and linked to you in it ... the subject was sort of related.
Love the blog! Nice to meet you.
That being said, I took bubble baths all the time when I was a kid, my daughter always loved them too, and it's never bothered either of us. If it's never bothered Maxie before, it most likely never will .. especially since it's rare that she has them ;) By the way, if she ever does seem to be having a reaction to it, she doesn't have to miss out on her bubbles .. just use baby shampoo instead of regular bubble bath :-)
I hate that condescending tone that know-it-all parents use .. there is absolutely no reason to do that. I'm more likely to take advice from someone who is kindly sharing their knowledge than I am from someone who's shoving their advice down my throat like they are the end-all be-all of parenting.
I'd let my kid stick gum in Bubble Mom's hair or something, that's just how I roll .... ok that's a lie, i wouldn't let her. but i'd think about it .. and giggle. ;)
I'm lovin' your blog .. I found ya through vodka mom, and I'll be coming back lots!